上汽通用汽車有限公司成立于1997年6月12日,由上海汽車集團股份有限公司、通用汽車公司共同出資組建而成。目前擁有浦東金橋、煙台東嶽、沈陽北盛和武漢分公司四大生産基地,共7個整車生産廠、4個動力總成廠,是中國汽車工業的重要領軍企業之一。堅持“以客戶為中心、以市場為導向”的經營理念,上汽通用汽車不斷打造優質的産品和服務,目前已擁有别克、雪佛蘭、凱迪拉克三大品牌,二十多個系列的産品陣容,覆蓋了從高端豪華車到經濟型轎車各梯度市場,以及MPV、SUV、混合動力和電動車等細分市場。2008年上汽通用上汽通用,上汽通用汽車啟動“綠動未來”全方位綠色戰略,以“發展綠色産品、打造綠色體系、承攬綠色責任”為核心,從消費者需求出發,不斷創新綠色及智能汽車科技,大力發展“更性能、更節能、更智能、更環保”的綠色産品;并積極發揮業務鍊龍頭作用,帶動上下遊共創綠色産業生态系統,以實現企業自身、企業與行業、企業與環境的和諧永續發展。上汽通用汽車網址:SAIC on June 12, 1997, SAIC (SGM) is a joint and . SGM has four major bases, in , in , in and Wuhan base as well as 7 and 4 . With its - and - , SGM the ever- by rich lines and . Today, SGM is a multi-brand with more than lines, the world- Buick, , and , the , , sedan, MPV, and SUV , as well as and .In 2008, SGM its “Drive to Green” , which the core of “ green , on green , green .” Its SGM to offer green that , less and more while being to the . At the same time, SGM to play a role in the of a green with its and , and for the , the , and the .SGM :