



“五一劳动节”劳动节的英语表达方式包括:’ Day, ' Day、 Day或是May Day。对后面两个的说法,有人意见不一。

Labor Day?

事实上,"Labor Day"容易引起混淆,特别对美国来说,Labor Day是美国的劳工节,而且也不是每年的五月一号,而是九月的第一个星期一。

On the first in , take the day off to Labor Day and on the 's to their .



May Day?

而“May Day”也有点不妥,因为资本主义国家不庆祝"五一劳动节"的。

May Day,还有另一层含义。在很多文化中,尤其是北半球,当然主要是很多欧洲国家,包括英国,德国,意大利,希腊等等,May Day是一个传统的节日,大家欢庆春天的到来。在这一天,人们会唱歌,跳舞,吃美食,例如图中的 Dance,五月柱舞。


' Day

劳动节的英文,最标准、最地道的表达,是叫作 ' Day(国际工人节)。

' Day, also known as Labor Day, is a of and the class in about 90 all over the world, which is by the labor and every year on May 1. The date was by the in July 1889 to the , which in , the , on May 4, 1886.



Why do we need ' Day?

' Day is a of and a day when for work and fair pay. to taken by over many years, of have won and . wages have been , there are on hours, and have the right to paid and sick pay.

, in years, in many have got worse. Since the of 2008, part-time, short-term and badly paid work has more , and state are at risk. We have also seen the rise of the 'gig ', where hire for one short job at a time. These don't have the usual to paid , the wage or pay. with other is as as ever.

The of ' Day

In May 1886, 400,000 in many parts of the USA went on , an eight-hour day. The , but on the third day of in there was some . The shot at , of them. The next day there were more and threw a bomb. Seven and four were by the bomb or just after the bomb. The who threw the bomb was never , but eight were . Seven of them were to death, and one of them was sent to for 15 years.

This event, known as The , was very in in the USA. Many didn't the men were , and the trial was for being . The an of the for ' , and May 1 was to be ' Day. On this day, and trade for to for the eight-hour day and in of . The eight-hour day law for in 1892 in the USA. Since then, ' all over the world have to fight for and win this right.

How is ' Day now?

and take place in ways in the world. May 1 is a in such as South , , , and China. In many , , , Japan, , the and the , there are on ' Day.

' Day is a day for to have a rest from their usual . It is an to for ' , show with other and to the of all over the world.



Every in the world is hard-won.

2. 人世间的一切幸福都需要靠辛勤的劳动来创造。

A happy life comes from hard work.

3. 人民创造历史,劳动开创未来。

make ,and work the .

4. 劳动是推动人类社会进步的根本力量。

Work is the force the of human .

5. 必须牢固树立劳动最光荣、劳动最崇高、劳动最伟大、劳动最美丽的观念。

We must be firm in the that work is what is most ,most ,most and most .

6. 大力弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神。“不惰者,众善之师也。”在长期实践中,我们培育形成了爱岗敬业、争创一流、艰苦奋斗、勇于创新、淡泊名利、甘于奉献的劳模精神,崇尚劳动、热爱劳动、辛勤劳动、诚实劳动的劳动精神,执着专注、精益求精、一丝不苟、追求卓越的工匠精神。劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神的生动体现,是鼓舞全党全国各族人民风雨无阻、勇敢前进的强大精神动力。

We the of model , of labor, and of . There is an old : “All comes from the of .” Over many years, we have the model of to one’s , of , hard work, , to fame and , and to make ; we have the of labor, which is about with pride, , , and ; and we have the of , which is by the of in a and . Each of these is a vivid of our , which is on , and of the of our times, which is on and , and they are a great of that the whole Party and all to forge ahead all .

7. 要努力构建德智体美劳全面培养的教育体系,形成更高水平的人才培养体系。

We build an which the ' all-round moral, , and with a hard- , in a bid to bring the 's to a level.




cook rice 煮饭

fried dish 炒菜

wash 洗碗

wash 洗衣服

mend 缝补衣服

sweep the floor 扫地

mop the floor 拖地

water 浇花

wash 洗碗

make /cook做饭

tidy (up) the room整理房间

mop the floor 拖地

clean 擦窗户

take out the trash 倒垃圾

hang the out 晾衣服

clean the table 收拾桌子

dust the 掸去家具灰尘



No pains, no gains.


No sweet sweat.


is to be got pains but .


He that will not work shall not eat.