















Chen and the . “What do you want to buy?”

“Do you have Demon Souls? Hmph!” The booth owner . “You are a , right? I you would even say like a for 5,000 . A Demon Soul is that you have never even seen . Fine… do you have Demon ? Do you have Demon ? Demon , Soul … any of these items would do. As long as you have them, I will buy it up.”

Chen the harsh tone of the booth owner. Since his days, he had the habit of not with . He gave a faint smile. “What makes you think I won’t have it?”

He one of the Demon ’s Soul that he from the 72 from the .

He 456 of these items! , he still could not out its of use.

Upon Chen ’s palm, on the of the black that he was was a black, . A faint mist was …

The booth owner !

The booth owner out with his hand it but Chen his and . “Do you know where we are? Are you of it?”

“Who… who is ? I just to its ,” The booth owner and he his tone of voice. His voice then much . “That item, how many do you have?”

“How many do you want?” Chen . “What is your offer price?”

“Two for one. I will buy much you have!” The booth owner .

Chen . , he away.

GOR 103: ?

GOR 103: ?

“Wait! Wait!” The booth owner and leapt out from . He Chen . “Don’t just leave! How can one just leave due to one word when ? What is your offer price then?”

“I do not like to make , you do it,” Chen said . “, if you are being , then I have no time to waste here.”

The booth owner his teeth and for a . “Five each!”

Chen the booth owner and his .

“You! Don’t be too !” The booth owner was . He at Chen and his teeth. “It is just a Demon ! It is but one of the low- from Hell Type ! Back then, the price for this item was only three or four each! , the for it , the price to . My offer price is a high one!”

Chen was … for it , high price…

Chen his , the booth owner his foot. “Fine! I will let you me once! Eight each! Any more than that is not for me!”

Price of eight …

Chen ; the Demon his box was for him to buy a Mech!

Chen for a . “How many do you want?”

“Three… two ,” The booth owner . “I do not have that many with me. Do you have 200?”

Chen out, and did so . “I have 200. … I am not in .”

“You… are you me?” The booth owner his fists and very . It that he was a hot- . If this were not Zero City, he would have Chen .

“I am not you,” Chen the booth owner’s fists. Chen was with Zero City’s rules; he that this would not dare to start a fight here. “You can use items to make the . I do not just want .”

“… You have taken a fancy to the Black Widow,” The booth owner .

“Yes, the Black Widow. I will not you. to the price, Black Widow to 1,500 . You can add 100 and I will give you 200 Demon ,” Chen gave a soft smile. “I this is very fair.”

“Fair your !” The booth owner . “That is not the Black Widow’s price! Last year, the Black Widow was sold in the for 2,000 !”

“Oh, so it is 2,000 eh?” Chen . “Then, why did you offer to sell it for 5,000 ?”

“…” The booth owner was -tied and he for a while. “I…”

“If you want to , then you feel for the of being ,” Chen his . “, I was not you. The price of 1,500 for a Black Widow is with the price.”


The owner booth and Chen . “I have no time to waste with you. If you are not , so be it. I am not in a hurry to buy a pet.”

After that, he his leg and moved away. After his step, the booth owner his foot. “Wait!”

Chen .

The booth owner spat out . “You are a one! This is in need of those Demon ! I will just have to let you me again! Black Widow for 1,500 !”

, he . “, I will not give you the 100 . I will give you else. How about it?”

Chen was not too and he asked with . “ else?”

“I have some goods with me that my guild asked me to sell off. These are some rare goods. I that you won’t find them else.”

“It is you are to take out, right?” Chen . “Very well, let me have a look. I am to see what you would label as a .”

At any rate, Chen was not too with the 100 . He felt that he check out else.

“Of it is a good item!” The booth owner . “In an , my guild some rare pet souls. … they are all cubs. their level is not very high, you can try to them.”

“Rare pet souls?” Chen . “What is it?”

“!” The booth owner his chin. “How about it? You have heard of it, right?”

Chen was .

… he had not seen this pet . , while he was on the plane to Japan, he had with the two , Lun Tai and Bei Tai. them, he about many .

He to about this pet:

: This pet was under the [B] Class . , of agree that it holds the best price to ratio!

The being that it has an [A] Class . Most , it was a pet. the need arose, it could be by ones or !

It has the of both pet and mount!

“, there is a very minor with my that I need to to you,” The booth owner for a . “A [B] Class pet is that you have for in the . The price is 300 . mine is cheap, there is a very minor . It is… .”

“?” Chen his .